About Us

Who We Are

So They Can Know is a project of Health Innovations, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating technology that advances health and well-being in the United States.

What We Do

This website is designed to improve health by giving people the ability to analyze themselves and inform their partners of possible health issues. Although we recognize that this is not the preferred form of partner notification, we hope that this site will help fill in the gaps when people are unable or unwilling to notify their partners in some other way about health issues.

We envision a world where we can use the disease to fight itself- to turn lines of disease transmission into lines of communication until everyone with some health issues knows their status and can do something about it (even if that something is just using a well-balanced diet).

We also strive to present health information on this site in a way that will be as useful as possible to people who have questions about their health issues.